Age-Friendly DC Task Force Meeting

Start date: 
Feb 20, 2014 3:00 pm
End date: 
Feb 20, 2014 4:30 pm
George Washington University

Age-Friendly DC Task Force will  examine and comment on a draft of the issues and solutions in each of five domains of the Age-Friendly DC by 2017 Strategic Plan:

1. Outdoor Spaces and Buildings:  accessibility to and availability of safe recreational facilities

2.  Transportation - safe and affordable modes of private and public transportation

3.  Housing - wide range of housing options for older residents, aging in place and other home modification programs

4.  Social Participation - access to leisre and cultural activities and opportunities for older residents to participate in social and civic engagements with their peers and younger people

5.  Respect and Social Inclusion - programs to support and promote ethnic and cultural diversity, along with programs to encourage multigenerational interaction and dialogue
