BEGA Public Meeting- March 7

Start date: 
Mar 7, 2013 1:00 pm
End date: 
Mar 7, 2013 1:00 pm
One Judiciary Square
441 Fourth Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20001

The District of Columbia Board of Ethics and Government Accountability will hold a public meeting. Below is a draft agenda for this meeting.  A final meeting agenda will be posted on the Board’s website at

Members of the public are welcome to attend.  Questions about the meeting may be directed to


Draft Agenda

I. Call to Order

II. Ascertainment of Quorum

III. Adoption of the Agenda

IV. Formal Adoption of the Minutes of the February 7th monthly meeting

V. Report by the Director of Government Ethics

VI. Update on Status of Board Operations – Recap of previous month’s activities

VII. Publication Obligations

VIII. Staffing and Job Announcements

IX. Financial Disclosure and Lobbyist Registration Filing System

X. Trainings

XI. Campaign Finance Reform – Ongoing Hearings Before Council

XII. Discussion:  Best Practices Report

XIII. Executive Session (non-public) to Discuss Ongoing Investigations and Personnel matters

XIV. Adjournment
