Commission on African-American Affairs

Start date: 
Jan 27, 2014 4:00 pm
End date: 
Jan 27, 2014 4:00 pm
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
901 G St NW, Washington, DC 20001

4 p.m, Monday, January 27, 2014
MLK Library, 901 G St NW

Commissioners/Guest Speakers in Attendance





Dr. Maurice Jackson

Chair/Voting Member

Burnell Holland III

Ex Officio Member

Kelly Navies

Voting Member

Chief Kenneth Ellerbe

Ex Officio Member

Rev. Raymond Massenburg

Voting Member

Rabbiah Sabbakhan

Ex Officio Member

Carlton Terry

Voting Member

Patsy Fletcher

Voting Member

Dianne Dale

Voting Member

Dr. John Franklin

Voting Member

Lydia Sermons

Voting Member

Charles Evans

Voting Member

Charles Hicks

Voting Member

Rev. Anthony Motley

Voting Member

Dr. Clarence Lusane

Voting Member

Darryl Gorman

Guest Speaker

There were 15 total members in attendance (12 voting members & 3 ex officio members)

Commissioners Absent from the Meeting





Michael Kelly

Ex Officio Member

Rahsaan Coefield

Ex Officio Member

Brian Roberts

Voting Member

Jesus Aguirre

Ex Officio Member

William Howland

Ex Officio Member

Inspector David Taylor

Ex Officio Member

Dr. Saul Levin

Ex Officio Member

Nikol Nabors-Jackson

Ex Officio Member

Dr. Ka’mal Mcclarin

Voting Member

Dr. Jesse Bemley

Voting Member

Absalom Jordan

Voting Member



The meeting was called to order 4:19 p.m.

Commission Meeting Agenda

1. Adoption of Minutes (attached)
2. Mayoral Forum Committee Report
3. Housing and Gentrification Committee Report
4. Discussion on Mission Statement (attached) 
5. Initial Discussion of Rules (Draft to be mailed Wednesday).

1. Adoption of Minutes (attached)
* There was no discussion on the item
* Minutes of the December 16, 2013 meeting were adopted at 4:21pm
2. Mayoral Forum Committee Report & Guest Speaker (Darryl Gorman)
* Dr. Jackson introduced the item and informed the Commission that Darryl Gorman, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Boards and Commissions, has come to the meeting as a guest speaker. 
* Mr. Gorman spoke with the Commission in reference to the proposed plan to host a mayoral candidate forum.o Expressed concerns about whether the planning of a Mayoral candidate forum brings questions about the statutory focus of the Commission. 
o Also informed the Commission that members are essentially equivalent to District Government Employees. 
o He also shared some guidance and reference materials on the DC Hatch Act, a local law that outlines permitted and prohibited political activities for D.C. Government Employees. (Handout Attached)
o Believes we are safer sticking directly to the statue that formed the Commission.
o Suggested contacting the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability to get a formal answer on whether conducting the forum would be legal.
* Discussion
o Commissioners provided Mr. Gorman with an overview of the vision for the forum as being one that is strictly informational and focused on the wellbeing of African American’s in Washington, DC.
o Commission also stressed that the scope of the event never included an attempt to endorse or support a particular candidate – only to spread information.
o The forum was established to hear what candidates and those seeking high office planned to do to address some of the items in the Commission Charter. 
o Commissioners stressed the need to make sure we have a balance of opinions and information that will help us craft substantive advice for the Mayor and/or DC Council. The Mayoral forum was seen as a way to address that need.
o Mr. Gorman referenced the Mayor’s willingness to attend a meeting and wants to make sure that the outcome of this Commission be something of substance.
o There was also guidance provided on the Open Meetings Act – we need to announce meetings and there should be space for public attendances and comments.
* Additional Questions
o What have other Commissions with similar charters have done? 
* There haven’t been many reports issued from Commissions like ours that were of specific acclaim.
o How much have other Commission’s asked for?
* Mr. Gorman directed us to the OCFO for reference. 
o Are there restrictions on the Commission inviting staff & experts to our meetings?
* No. In fact, it is encouraged.
3. Housing and Gentrification and the Faith Community Committee Report
* The Housing and Gentrification Committee provided a detailed report for the group. (File attached to this message)
* There have requesting additional information on specific housing programs. (Broken down by race)
* Their research will be guided by a series of questions and topics including, but not limited to: What are the reasons for the departure of higher income African Americans? What’s the source of the proliferation of subprime mortgages in DC? 
* There was also discussion and questions about how to analyze the challenges associated with keeping African American renters as well as individuals who do not own a home in the District of Columbia. 
* Commission members also briefly discussed the importance of making sure faith community references and research was inclusive of all religions. 
Agenda items pushed to next meeting (given the remaining time allotted) 
4. Discussion of Mission Statement. (Attached)
5. Initial Discussion of Rules. (Draft to be mailed Wednesday)
Other Items

New Subcommittee Sign Ups

Action Items for February Meeting

Lydia Sermons – Health Committee 


1.      Request the Mayor’s presence on February 24th

2.      Send a letter to the Mayor’s budget director requesting funding in FY15 (signage, operating budget request, staff)

3.      Reach out to Tracy Hughes to learn more about Open Government requirements


Proposed Agenda for December’s Meeting:
* Discussion of the Mission Statement (proposed by Chairman Jackson)
* Initial Discussion of the Rules (Draft to be mailed to the Commission)
* Report back from the Mayor’s Office on the questions raised on budget, etc. 
* Education Committee Report 
6:16 p.m. – Meeting Adjourned 