Leadership Council for a Cleaner Anacostia River

Start date: 
Jun 9, 2022 10:00 am
End date: 
Jun 9, 2022 12:00 pm
Virtual: Webex

POC: Gretchen.mikeska@dc.gov

The LCCAR meets quarterly to discuss and advise on the District's Anacostia River Sediment Project (ARSP). Assembled in September 2014, the Leadership Council consists of 22 high-level local, state, and federal government officials and environmental leaders who support the Mayor's vision for a fishable and swimmable Anacostia River.

Join Meeting via WebEx Link: 


Meeting #:  

2319 318 6066 



Call in #: 


Access code 

2319 318 6066 


10:00          Welcome and Meeting Conduct
Director Tommy Wells, District Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE)

10:05          Introductions

10:20          MDE Update

Mark Mank, Toxicologist, Land and Materials Administration and Dr. Elisabeth Green, Remedial Project Manager, Federal Facilities

Land and Materials Administration (MDE)

10:40          Tributary Studies and Bacterial Modeling for the Anacostia River: Dr. Tim Wilson (USGS)

11:00          Potomac and Anacostia Rivers Fishes: Dan Ryan, Chief, Fisheries Research Branch, DOEE

11:20          Other Updates

  • DOEE’s Beneficial Use Guidance Manual and Post Interim ROD Activities 
  • Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Update