Leadership Council for a Cleaner Anacostia River (LCCAR)

Start date: 
Jun 8, 2023 10:00 am
End date: 
Jun 8, 2023 12:00 pm

Title: Leadership Council for a Cleaner Anacostia River (LCCAR)

The LCCAR meets quarterly to discuss and advise on the District's Anacostia River Sediment Project (ARSP). Assembled in September 2014, the Leadership Council consists of 22 high-level local, state, and federal government officials and environmental leaders who support the Mayor's vision for a fishable and swimmable Anacostia River.




10:00            Welcome and Meeting Conduct
Richard Jackson, Director, District Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE) and Richard Trent, Executive Director, Friends of Anacostia Park

10:10            Source Trackdown and Control in Lower Beaverdam Creek (Mark Mank, Maryland Department of Environment)

10:35            Use of Amendments for In-situ Treatment and Beneficial Use of Sediments (Upal Ghosh,  University of Maryland Baltimore County)

 10:55            Anacostia River Corridor Restoration Plan (Kara Pennino, DOEE)

 11:10            Natural Resources Damage Assessment and Restoration Update (Gretchen Mikeska, DOEE)

 11:20            Anacostia River Sediment Project Status (Dev Murali, DOEE)                

11:35            Q/A (advance questions submitted by LCCAR members and Stakeholders)

  • During the March 2022 LCCAR meeting, DOEE provided June 2022 as the goal date for a Baseline and Performance Monitoring Work Plan. More recently, DOEE stated that a new workplan/schedule would be available this spring. When can we expect an updated schedule for the clean up?  Has DOEE considered adding a public dashboard with target dates to its website?
  • Are there any updates on the guidance for beneficial reuse? What issues were raised in public comments?  How have those comments been addressed?
  • What is the current timeline for the Remedial Design phase for Kenilworth Park?
  • What is the status of the Remedial Investigation (RI) and Feasibility Study (FS) for Poplar Point?
  • What steps have the District taken thus far to coordinate and secure dredging for navigation, equity, and resilience interact alongside remedial dredging?
  • Is DOEE still committed to dredging deeper channels in Kingman Lake (as presented in the IROD) with the exception of areas with heavy vegetation?
  • Based on discussion at the March 2023 LCCAR meeting, we understood the NRDAR trustees would release a Damages Assessment Process (DAP) document shortly.  Can you provide an updated timeline for the DAP? Is there anything else we should look for in regard to NRDA?

12:00            Adjourn