St. Elizabeths East Advisory Board Meeting

Start date: 
Feb 11, 2014 3:00 pm
End date: 
Feb 11, 2014 5:00 pm
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20004

John A Wilson Building



Establishment - Saint Elizabeths Redevelopment Initiative

  Advisory Board


Office of the Mayor



By virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the District of Columbia by section 422(2) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973, 87 Stat. 790, Pub. L. No. 93-198, D.C. Official Code §1-204.22(2)(2010 Supp.), it is hereby ORDERED that: 





There is hereby established in the Executive Branch of the Government of the District of Columbia, the Saint Elizabeths Redevelopment Initiative Advisory Board (hereinafter referred to as the “SERI Board”). 




The SERI Board shall advise the District government on the Saint Elizabeths Redevelopment Initiative’s implementation of plans for the redevelopment of the East Campus of Saint Elizabeths.




The SERI Board shall:


  1. Provide recommendations on strategies for the creation of employment opportunities;


  1. Make recommendations on the method and manner of attracting small and local business to the East Campus and its surrounding area;


  1. Provide recommendations on strategies for attracting capital and infrastructure funding;


  1. Make recommendations on strategies for supporting and capitalizing on the federal government’s redevelopment of the west campus of Saint Elizabeths; and


  1. Provide recommendations on advancing the innovation strategies developed under the D.C. Innovation Strategy, including how to attract science and technology companies to relocate to the East Campus.




  1. The SERI Board shall be composed of  nineteen (19) members who shall be appointed by the Mayor as follows:


  1. The Deputy Mayor for planning and Economic Development, or his or her designee, who shall serve as the Chairperson of the SERI Board;


  1. Four (4) private sector Vice Chairpersons who will serve with the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development as the executive board members of the SERI Board. The Vice Chairpersons shall have a demonstrated knowledge of the neighborhood adjacent to East Campus or have a demonstrated knowledge and competence in business or entrepreneurial development, historical or environmental issues, job creation, innovation issues, security, commercial or residential development, real estate finance or management, community-based redevelopment policies or activities, municipal finance or law, banking, or finance; not be an officer or employee of the federal government or the District government; and not have any conflicts of interests with the District government in connection with the Saint Elizabeth redevelopment.


  1. In addition to the four (4) private sector Vice Chairpersons,  eight (8) public members who shall have a demonstrated knowledge

of the neighborhood adjacent to East Campus, or have demonstrated

knowledge and competence in business or entrepreneurial development, historical or environmental issues, job creation, innovation issues, security, commercial or residential development, real estate finance or management, community-based redevelopment policies or activities, municipal finance or law, banking, or finance; not be an officer or employee of the federal government or the District government; and not have any conflict of interests with the District government in connection with the Saint Elizabeth redevelopment.


  1. Four (4) ex-officio, non-voting members shall be employees of the federal government; and have demonstrated knowledge of the Saint Elizabeths Redevelopment project.
  2. Two (2) ex-officio, non-voting members shall be employees of the District government; and have demonstrated knowledge of the Saint Elizabeths Redevelopment project.


  1. The Chairman, the four (4) Vice Chairpersons and the eight (8 public members shall be voting members of the SERI Board.



V.        TERMS


  1. The  Vice Chairpersons and private sector board members appointed to the SERI Board shall serve a term of (2) years.  The date on which the first SERI Board members are sworn-in shall become the anniversary date for all subsequent appointments.


  1. A member may serve beyond the end of his or her term until reappointed, or replaced, by the Mayor.


  1. The Mayor shall appoint members to fill vacancies in an unexpired term only for the remainder of the unexpired time of the term.


  1. A SERI Board member may resign by filing a notice of resignation with the Mayor.


  1. Government representatives shall serve only for the duration of their employment with the District or federal governments, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor.


  1. When necessary, the Mayor may remove a Vice Chairpersons or private sector board member for inefficiency, neglect of duty, malfeasance in office, indictment for a criminal offense relating to breach of trust or fiduciary duty, or conduct bringing disrespect to or impugning the character of the board or any other reason deemed appropriate by the Mayor.  




A.        The Vice Chairpersons shall serve in those capacities at the pleasure of the



  1. The SERI Board may elect such other officers as may be required, its members deem appropriate.


  1. The SERI Board shall convene at least one (1) meeting each month.


  1. The SERI Board may establish subcommittees as needed. Subcommittees may include consulting parties who are not members of the full Board, provided that each subcommittee is chaired by a SERI Board member.


  1. The SERI Board may establish its own by-laws and rules of procedure, subject to the approval of the Mayor, or his designee.


  1. The SERI Board may use telephonic conferencing, video conferencing, or other electronic mechanisms to fulfill the meeting requirements.


  1. There shall be no voting by proxy.


  1. The SERI Board and each subcommittee, as applicable, shall file a written report of its findings and recommendations with the Vice Chairpersons of the SERI Board.  Upon receipt by the Vice Chairpersons of all subcommittee reports, the SERI Board shall consider and vote on final findings and recommendations.  Once adopted by a majority vote of the SERI Board, the SERI Board shall submit its final written findings and recommendations to the Saint Elizabeths Redevelopment Initiative for its consideration.




Members of the SERI Board shall serve without compensation, except that a member may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the authorized execution of official SERI Board duties if approved in advance by the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, or his or her designee, subject to appropriations and the availability of funds.




  1. The SERI Board shall remain in existence until the SERI Board issues its final written findings to the Saint Elizabeths Redevelopment Initiative; or


  1. The SERI Board shall sunset not later than August 31, 2015.


IX.       EFFECTIVE DATE:  This Order shall be effective nunc pro tunc to October 3, 2011.
