
Director Allen's FY 2018-2019 Performance Oversight Hearing Testimony

 Director Allen's  FY 2018-2019 Performance Oversight Hearing Testimony

FOIA Deadlines and Extensions OOG-0003_10.31.18_FOIA AO

What notifications, if any, does FOIA require an agency, specifically MPD, to provide a requester when: (1) it invokes an extension to dispatch a determination to a FOIA request for body-worn camer

OOG-0004_12.11.18_FOIA AO Whether the PSC may withhold records requested under FOIA as exempt from disclosure, under D.C. Official Code § 2-534(e).

Whether the PSC may withhold records requested under FOIA as exempt from disclosure, under D.C. Official Code § 2-534(e).

OOG-0002_8.23.18_FOIA AO Whether it is appropriate for the OUC to require of a requester to present valid identification to: (1) submit a FOIA request for 911 audio recording for police assistance when the requester is the caller (firs-t party request);

Whether it is appropriate for the OUC  to require of a requester to  present valid identification to: (1) submit a FOIA request for 911 audio recording for police assistance when the requester is t

Nuts and Bolts of FOIA for DC FOIA Officers

OOG-0004_9.29.18 Resolution of Complaint_COST

OOG-0004_9.29.18 Resolution of Complaint_COST

OOG- Compliance with Notice of Meetings and Record of Meetings Directives of the Open Meetings Act

Discussion of the Notice of Meetings and Record of Meetings directives of the OMA. The OMA requires specific forms of notice to the public before public bodies may lawfully conduct meetings.

June 2018 Schedule A

AGO Schedule A June 2018

#OOG-005_5.11.18 Resolution of Complaint

#OOG-005_5.11.18 Dismissed Complaint resolving whether the  CCNV shelter (Federal City Shelter) is a public body subject to the OMA.

# OOG-0008_6.26.18 Resolution of Complaint_DCPCSB

# OOG-0008_6.26.18 Resolution of Complaint_DCPCSB 
