Board of Real Estate Appraisers

Nov 15, 2017 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location name: 
Department of Consumer and Regulatory and Affairs
Street Address: 
11004th Street, SW Washington DC 20024

The DC Board of Real Estate Appraisers regulates the practice of real estate appraisal, including the functions of a state appraiser certifying and licensing agency under Title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, approved August 9, 1989. Additionally, the Board protects consumers by enforcing the District of Columbia real estate license law PDF. The real estate license law is defined by the District of Columbia Second Omnibus Regulatory Act of 1998 (Omnibus), which took effect on April 20, 1999.

The Board consists of five members appointed by the Mayor. Three members shall be real estate appraisers licensed in the District, one shall be a real estate broker licensed in the District, and one shall be a consumer member. Three members of the Board constitute a quorum.

Meeting Agenda
Approved Applications
Approved Education Courses
November 2017 Final Minutes