CCCB Accessibility TAG meeting

Mar 1, 2022 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Location name: 
Microsoft TEAMS


  1. Discuss Meeting Times to be published 48 Hour in advance in accordance with The DC Open Meetings Act
  2. Discuss Preferred Meeting Platforms (Webex, Teams, Google Meet)
  3. Review how to Access to 2021 Model ICC Codes. (Discuss if preferred access to hard copies, online version, or digital)
  4. Links to Previous Amendments from 2017 DCMR 12A
  5. Review how to submit formal code change proposal for TAG consideration.
  6. Review CCCB By-Laws
    1. TAG must be made up of an odd number of voting members
    2. A minimum of 3 Voting Members must be present for a quorum.
    3. Actions of the TAG require a vote of the majority of the members present.

Meeting options (

Agency Name: 
Construction Codes Coordinating Board