Commemorative Works Committee - June 15, 2017 Meeting

Jun 15, 2017 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Location name: 
1100-4th Street SW, Room E850

The DC Office of Planning will convene a special meeting of the Commemorative Works Committee (“Committee”) on Thursday, June 15, 3:30pm at 1100 4th Street SW, Room E850. The Committee will consider a commemorative work application to erect a bronze statue of the Honorable Marion S. Barry.  The Commemorative Works Committee advises and recommends to the Mayor and the DC Council on the disposition of an application to place on public space a commemorative work honoring people and events that have significance for the District of Columbia.

The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities submitted the Marion Barry commemorative work application for consideration.  Following its review of the application, the Committee will issue a recommendation to the Mayor.  Final approval of the commemorative work by the DC Council is required through an approval resolution.

Interested parties may contact Chris Shaheen, Office of Planning, at (202) 442-7616 or for further information.

Application for Marion Barry, Jr. Bronze Statue
CWC Special Meeting Agenda
CWC Special Meeting DRAFT Notes