Commission Meeting Minutes 2.1.22

Public Body: 
Feb 1, 2022 6:00 pm
Location name: 

DC Commission for Women
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Meeting Minutes

Location: Teams



Kaitlin Rizk


Lakeitha Anderson


Nina Robinson


Chloe Louvouezo


Ayris Scales


Adjoa Asamoah


Veronica Nelson


Tiffini Greene


Camelia Mazard


Susan Sarfati


Jessica Tunon


Angie Sue Lundy


Jennifer Luray


Athena Cross


Jessica Stamp


Giovantee Bishop



A quorum was present.

  1. Meeting called to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:07 pm.
  2. Roll Call: Completed at 6:10 pm
  3. MOWPI Staff: Jennifer Porter, Brianna Battle, Alex Chambers
  4. Meeting Minutes: January
  5. Correspondence and Announcements: None
  6. Director’s Report: Director Porter spoke about Administrative and COVID-19 updates; Black History Month, Women’s History Months events and initiatives, Washington Women of Excellence Awards 2022 still needing nomination suggestions


  1.  MOWPI January/Engagement Events


  1. Report of Chairwoman Nelson


  1. Chairwoman Nelson shared greetings and observances for the month to include; Black History Month, Valentine’s Day, and Heart Health month taking place this month.
  2. Chairwoman Nelson spoke on the importance of Commission attendance and assured Commissioners of their role and expectation as they serve on the DC Commission for Women.
  3. Chairwoman Nelson shared no current updates per each Committee but advises Commission to expect upcoming planning and meetings to support each initiative for Women’s History Month in March.  
  4. Administrative and COVID-19 Updates
  1. Director Porter shared administrative and COVID-19 updates to include COVID centers, Rapid Test Pickup Locations, Walk-up Vaccination sites, and mask mandate.
    1. #MaternalMondays “Black History Month” Edition
  2. Director Porter shared MOWPI’s upcoming #MaternalMondays “Black History Month” virtual series. This segment is a special Black History Month edition that will center conversations on black women’s health and provide history and resources for families with the theme, “Communicating Herstory of Black Health”. The panelist will include, Sylvia Syrus, of ASULH, Dr. Kimberly Jefferies Leonard, of the Links, Incorporated, and Ramunda Young of Mahogany Books.
    1. Inform Women Transform Lives
  3. Director Porter shared exciting update of MOWPI being selected as one of 12 global cities to be apart of the Carter Center’s #InformWomenTransformLives campaign.
    1. DC Council Performance Oversight Hearing Recap
  4. Director Porter shared a recap of the DC Council Performance Oversight Hearing and thanked Chairwoman Nelson for her representation on behalf of the DC Commission for Women.
    1. Excel Academy’s Sister Circle
  5. Director Porter shared upcoming programming with Excel all girl academy in Ward 8. MOWPI requested Commissioners to lead programming with Excel Academy for their Sister Circle. Commissioners will support this initiative by attending and moderating in person workshops, curating scripts and engaging with the girls.
    1. Women’s History Month Calendar
      1. Director Porter shared a list of confirmed and pending events in regard to Women’s History Month. Confirmed events and observances with secured dates include:
  • 3/8-International Women’s Day
  • 3/8-Conversations with Women who Lead in Infrastructure
  • 3/16-Well Women Wednesdays
  • 3/19-Herstory 5K
    1. Washington Women of Excellence Awards
      1. Director Porter thanked the Commissioners who shared nominations for the Washington Women of Excellence Awards and asked the Commissioners to share more nominees
  1. Committee Updates


  1. No current committee updates
  1. Unfinished Business
  2. Announcements/Good of the Order
  1. No announcements to report
  1. Next Meeting Date: The next meeting will be on March 1, 2022 virtually on Teams.


  1. Motion to Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 7:04pm.
Agency Name: 
Commission for Women