DC State Board of Education Monthly Public Meeting

Sep 21, 2022 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location name: 
Marion S. Barry, Jr. Building
Street Address: 
441 4th St NW, Washington DC 20001

All students, parents, and educators, and community members are invited to provide testimony at public meetings. Individuals and representatives of organizations who wish to comment at a public meeting are asked to notify Board staff in advance by form (preferred), by phone at (202) 741-0888, or by email at sboe@dc.gov no later than 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Individuals are asked to furnish their names, email addresses, and organizational affiliation, if any. 

For all meeting agendas, documents, and minutes, please visit: bit.ly/SBOEMeetingDocs

Watch live: 

This meeting is governed by the Open Meetings Act. Please address any questions or complaints arising under this meeting to the Office of Open Government at opengovoffice@dc.gov.


Agency Name: 
DC State Board of Education