Washington, DC Commission on Poverty

Jul 18, 2024 11:00 am
Location name: 
Hybrid - In Person Location: Department of Employment Services
Street Address: 
4058 Minnesota Ave NE, Washington, DC, 20019 (4th Floor Community Room)

The Poverty Commission will have 19 Community Representatives: 11 At-large Representatives and 8 Ward Representatives. The Commission will have 8 non-voting ex-officio members. We will meet the fourth Tuesday of each month for our public meeting. It will be a hybrid format. The virtual link will be provided 24 hours before the meeting. The meeting will take place from 1pm-4pm. You can find the link located at Open DC.

The purpose of the commission is to study issues surrounding poverty; evaluate current and previous poverty-reduction initiatives in the District and throughout the country to determine their effectiveness; and based on the Commission’s research and evaluations, make comprehensive and continuing recommendations to the Mayor and the Council for strengthening and enhancing the economic status of persons in poverty in the District through initiatives that will also improve individuals' educational, wellness, and housing outcomes.

In Person:

4058 Minnesota Ave. NE

Washington, DC 20019



Link will be provided 24 hours before meeting through Open DC.




I.     Opening of Meeting & Roll Call                                                                        1:00pm

        Chair: Dr. Marla M. Dean


II.    Review and Approval of June 23, 2024 Meeting Minutes                                 1:05pm



III.       Executive Director’s Report                                                                           1:10pm

  • Commission Recruitment Update Report
  • Poverty Commission executed contract with Medici Road

1) Workplan

2) Data Request

  • Poverty Commission Draft Bylaws


V.        Chairperson’s Report                                                                                      1:20pm


V.        Medici Road Update                                                                                       1:30pm                       

VI.       Discussion Items                                                                                             2:00pm

A.  Commission Work Plan (Subcommittee Work Time)                 

  1. Outreach & Engagement (recruits, Commission members and

ensures the voices of those with lived experience is centered.

and partners with community and nonprofits)

  1. Education (commission meetings, listening sessions and

the Eradicating Poverty Summit

  1. Communication (Commission website and Internal back office

Google or MicroSoft Office sites)

  1. Government Affairs (liaises and advocates for the Commission

and its recommendations with the DC Council - legislative and

DC Agencies - executive)

  1. Commission Operations


B.  Committee Completion of Work Plan Document                              2:50pm


C.  Committee Report Outs                                                                      3:10pm


VI.       Action Items                                                                                                   3:40pm

A.  Approval of Committee Work Plans             


VII.      Next Steps                                                                                                       3:45pm

                   A. August Public Meeting


VIII.    Updates                                                                                                           3:50pm


IX.       Announcements                                                                                              3:55pm


X.        Adjournment                                                                                                   4:00pm


Materials Needed for Meeting:

  • Agenda
  • Markers
  • Chart Paper
  • Draft Work Plan