Leadership Council for a Cleaner Anacostia River

Jun 8, 2017 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location name: 
John A. Wilson Building, Room 527
Street Address: 
1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC

        Established by the Mayor’s office to support the Anacostia River Sediment Project (ARSP).  At the time, DC had just committed to fund the remedial investigation/feasibility study, to be conducted by DOEE, that will ultimately recommend a clean-up remedy for Anacostia River sediments.

·         Mission: to utilize the knowledge and influence of its members to help advise and support the District’s ARSP, and to address ongoing pollution to the river from sources in multiple jurisdictions, throughout the Anacostia River’s watershed.     

·         The Leadership Council is a multi-jurisdictional advisory group, 20 to 25 members (government, NGOs, or/and representatives of communities adjacent to the Anacostia) selected on behalf of the Mayor by the Director of DOEE.

·         First meeting September 22, 2014.

Ecological Risk Assessment
Human Health Risk Assessment
Anacostia River FS Alternative Development
Outreach Schedule
Transcript of June 8, 2017 LC Meeting
Speaker Bios