
OMA Advice Regarding DC PCSB Meeting and OMA Requirements

On  June 14, 2024, Director Allen issued informal guidance to an inquiry as to whether a meeting of the DC Public Charter School Board, where the Members of a public bo

OOG-2024-0008 OMA Advisory Opinion on Aston CAT

On  April 12, 2024, Director Allen issued OOG-2024-0008 opining that the Aston Community Advisory Team (Aston CAT)

FY25 Budget Oversight Hearing Testimony

Testimony of Niquelle M. Allen, Esq., Director of Open Government, Board of Ethics and Government Accountability

OMA Dismissal of OOG-2024-0005 (ANC)

On March 26, 2024, Director Allen dismissed this Open Meetings Act complaint against a

Open Meetings Act Enforcement Authority - DC Code Sec 2-579

§ 2–579. Enforcement; authority.

Duties and of the Director of Open Government and the Office of Open Government - DC Code Sec 1-1162.05c

§ 1–1162.05c. Director of Open Government. (a) The Director of Open Government shall:

Science Advisory Board OMA Advisory Opinion

The Director of the Office of Open Government (OOG) received a request to provide guidance on certain D.C.

Director Allen's FY23/FY24 Performance Hearing Testimony

Director of Open Government Niquelle Allen testified before the DC Council Committee on Executive Administration and Labor, chaired by the Honorable Anita Bonds, for the Board of Ethics and Governm

Training Sessions for LSATs and Boards of Public Charter Schools

The Office of Open Government (OOG) provides Open Meetings Act Training for the educational entities subject to the Act.

NOTICE OF FINAL RULEMAKING: Chapter 104 (Office of Open Government)

The Director of Open Government (Director), of the Office of Open Government, pursuant to the authority set forth in Sect
